Monday, November 01, 2004

why TNA is down...

I don't really know what's going on with TNA these days. I do know Polycarp has moved to the States and that his Internet connection is not great, also that he was (is) going to reconfigure the site, but other than that I'm not sure what the delay is.

Anybody have more info on this?

I'm going to e-mail him and try to find out more. Also, since no one has posted a story here yet I will probably post one later on today. For all members (and non-members): you may also post stories on the message board if you find it more convenient to do so. And please search your e-mail address book for any e-mails you might have of old TNA members; I'm still not sure how many know about this place...

Also FYI: Blogger gives you the ability to edit your own posts so if you post something here and want to correct it or add to it you can.

Have a good Monday and vote Kerry 'cause Bush is a traitor and incredible liar.


Blogger satan165 said...

remember when TNA was forwarding to ? polycarp told me it was to 'get rid of the pussies' or some shit. he was tired of people spamming the forum and shit and wanted them to go away. i havent heard from him in a LONG time

November 4, 2004 at 2:46 AM  

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